Monday, October 22, 2012

Golfing with the Pros

      Have you ever golfed or thought about trying it?  If you're a beginner, there are a few things you will want to start with.  Now golf is not an easy sport for most and it takes many years if not a life time of practice for those to consider themselves masters of the game, yet there are still some of us trying to figure out how to putt.  Those that know the game will tell you, the first step when learning to golf is "putting."  When it comes to your score, putting is the difference between bogey and par and is arguably the most important part of your golf game.  To really get an in depth training on how to putt, try out this video called the "Reality of Putting" featuring Steve Elkington and Geoff Mangum
      Now, if you're a real golf lover who is trying to improve other aspects of your game you can try "Golf Swing Eureka," which will help you improve your golf swing   and "Breaking the Distance Barrier"  which will help you out drive your friends and hit those irons the way they were suppose to be.

My First Tattoo

I remember I was about 8 years old I saw a group of guys playing hackey sack and there was one guy that wasn't wearing his shirt, covered in ink.  It was a picture of  a nude woman and then I noticed he had quite a few of them intertwined in other tattoos, almost camouflaging them, but not well enough.  I don't remember what I thought of it at the time, I'm sure I didn't mind, but looking back, well, I guess I still don't mind. The point I am trying to make is that when you get a new tattoo, do you just go in to the store and pick something out of their books or do you really take the time do decide what you want.  My mother wouldn't let me get a tattoo until I was 18 and even then I did it without her knowing.  I think her not wanting me to get it, just made me want in more, whichever the case may be, I went to the shop not knowing what I was going to get. I walked in not having any idea what I was looking for.  I knew I didn't want a nude woman on me,  as a tattoo anyways, but, I really had no idea what I wanted. Searching through the books was time consuming and wasn't producing results.  I found the tribal designs the most interesting, but nothing seemed to really catch my attention I told the artist I was having a difficult time finding a tattoo I really liked and the artist said he could draw one up, but it would take a day.  So, I came back the next day and I actually liked the one he came up with,  It was a tribal design that was about 3 inches thick and would stretch from shoulder blade to shoulder blade.   It took 3 hours with about 2 ten minute breaks, which were more for me then the artist.  Least to say, I was happy with the outcome.  Now, looking back, knowing what I know today, I don't know I would have done it the same way. So, if your not sure what you want, be sure to think about it, because it is permanent for most of us (tattoos can be removed with laser removal, if you have the funds). If you are one that loves tattoos and plans on getting more check out Miami ink tattoo designs, which gives you access to over 25,000 of the best tattoos

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Gambler

      Many of us are always looking for ways to make money.  No matter what it is, the most efficient way of doing it, is to have the least amount of output for the most amount of input as possible.  Now what I mean of course, is we want to work less for more. The reality of the matter is that for most of us, we are exerting much more output then we want in order to provide for our families and for some its still not enough. 
     Not only do we have to work more than we want, but I would argue that most of us are working a job we never dreamed of doing and some of us even end up in careers we never wanted to be in.  This is very common when there are so few job opportuities out there.  I myself have been working a job for a few years that sometimes if it weren't for my family would probably just quit.  So, want I found that works for me is keeping my dreams a possibility.  My goal is to start a franchise, and I am constantly coming up with new ideas for it, putting them on paper and knowing that one day it can become a reality. 
      Now, I would also love to hit the lottery, as most of probably do.  The only problem with that is that I am pretty sure you have to play to win, and I don't play very often.  The other thing I do, to relieve stress from every day life is doing something that I love to do.  For myself I love to go to the casino and gamble.  I have been going to casinos ever since I turned 18 and luckily for me, I have won more than lost.  Now I have played the slots, which I am not a fan of at all, so usually slots will take my money.  My favorite games are BlackJack and Texas Hold'em. For a casio BlackJack is the worst odds for the house, but somehow people go there and will still lose. Now I can honestly say that for me I have won the majority of my money from BlackJack and win I do lose it is because I tend to go on gut feelings a lot of times rather than playing the odds, which will cost you about everytime.  The concept of BlackJack is fairly easy to understand.  Get as close to 21 as possible without going over and of course your hand must beat the dealers.  Now the dealer goes by a set of rules that benefit them the most and it is because that most of us don't know when to hit and when not to.  That is why if you plan on going to the casino please stay away from the slots (I know pulling the lever can be enticing, but you won't be too pleased with the results most of the time) and take a shot at BlackJack.  Before you go though be sure to learn the game and know when to hit and when to stay.  Try the BlackJack system and learn to beat the casino  Remember, BlackJack is your best bet at the casino.  For those of you that love Roulette, try the Roulette system , and of course I won't forget about my all time favorite game, Texas hold'em.  If you have a good poker face be sure to learn the secrets to Texas Hold'em from the top poker pro Jonathan little by clicking the link .

My stay at home income

      To start off, I just want to say a few things about myself and why I chose to start a blog.  Now I've always dreamed of owning my own business as most of us do, so of course the first step for me was to gain a degree in business.  However, managing a family and working full time doesn't leave much time for a degree, so my degree is still in the works.  Now, I know you don't need a degree to start your own business, but when you don't have a lot of your own investment, it makes getting loans a bit more difficult.  It's because of this that I turned to the idea of "blogging."  I am still very new to the concept and trying to learn as I go.
      I recently saw the idea for the stay at home income while reading articles on Yahoo.  One of the news stations was doing a story on it, so I figured it must be legit. I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to trying things online, especially when it costs you money.  However, it had a 30 day guarantee or your money back, so naturally I took some of my savings and bought the program.  Now,  it wasn't a fortune to purchase, but of course they start by telling you it is 49.99.  Once you submit your payment it then gives you more information and says to upgrade to VIP it is another $74.00 ( Not exact amount). So, naturally I have to buy that, because they make it seem like such a good value.
      Once you've done all that, it has a step by step program to help you get started, which includes live representatives to get you through the setup.  I found that purchasing the VIP for me was critical, because otherwise the other package only had so many products that you can refer people to and for me it wouldn't have generated enough, if any income.  With the VIP program it gives you a lot more products your able to sell, and yes you can actually sell products and set your own prices for them.  That is just one of the ways to make money from them and the other way, which is what I doing now, is just posting links for the products, of which you get commission when the products are bought through your links and you can put the links anywhere, just make sure you read the terms of use.  They do offer you a free website they would manage for you, however you have to pay a monthly fee, close to $8 a month.  I chose to do this on a truly free website to avoid extra cost starting up, but eventually I may switch because there are obvious benefits for getting one, but for me, now is not the time.  As I've said before this is all new to me, if any of you has any suggestions or any advice, please feel free to comment or email me.