Monday, October 22, 2012

Golfing with the Pros

      Have you ever golfed or thought about trying it?  If you're a beginner, there are a few things you will want to start with.  Now golf is not an easy sport for most and it takes many years if not a life time of practice for those to consider themselves masters of the game, yet there are still some of us trying to figure out how to putt.  Those that know the game will tell you, the first step when learning to golf is "putting."  When it comes to your score, putting is the difference between bogey and par and is arguably the most important part of your golf game.  To really get an in depth training on how to putt, try out this video called the "Reality of Putting" featuring Steve Elkington and Geoff Mangum
      Now, if you're a real golf lover who is trying to improve other aspects of your game you can try "Golf Swing Eureka," which will help you improve your golf swing   and "Breaking the Distance Barrier"  which will help you out drive your friends and hit those irons the way they were suppose to be.

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