Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What is a President

This election is said to be the closest election in 76 years.  Many people are looking for the president to fix the economy and everything else that is wrong with the United States.  But the truth is that we shouldn't be focusing on who we think will fix the economy, because the true purpose of what the President is there for, is to stand up on moral and social responsibilities, to listen and understand what our problems are and to do something about it.  He or She should be someone that we can trust, one that we know will stand up for what we believe in.  They should help bring peace around the nations, if peace is what we want.  They should stand in to protect other countries, if this is what we want.  This country was built on the idea that we all have a vote and what we say matters.  However, what I have come to find is that we don't vote on what really matters.  On issues with our wars and other countries wars, shouldn't we get to vote on whether or not we want to be in a war or in that case if we want to help another country?  Shouldn't we get to say what the government can and cannot do with the lives of our friends and family?  It's issues like these that we should get a say on.  This is what the job of the President should be.  The President should realize this and make changes to our system to where we do get a say.   The economy will grow stronger with a President like this, not because they know how to make a company profitable, but because they know what type of country people want to live in, what type of country people want to move to and most of all, the type of country other countries want to be like.  People look at China (and i mean no disrespect to China or it's people) and even though people believe China is prospering at this time, they are not prospering, but instead are making money.  Some may hold money and prosperity as the same thing.  I do not.  I believe prosperity is the value of life, not money and people don't want to move to China because of their value of life.  China has been scrutinized for they way they treat their citizens. Now as I say this, I do believe China is moving more towards our way of life.  The point I want to make is that the economy won't make for a better country, but a country where you and I want to live, because of what it stands for, will make for a better economy.  Now, regardless of who wins this election, just remember we should not depend on him creating a better economy, but instead depend on him to make a better country and know that we have the right to stand up to the President and vote him out of the office if we don't agree with what he is doing.  I hope and I believe, that no matter who is President, that the United States is and always has been, one of the greatest countries the world as ever known and I will vote to keep it that way and I hope you will do the same.

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