Monday, October 22, 2012

My First Tattoo

I remember I was about 8 years old I saw a group of guys playing hackey sack and there was one guy that wasn't wearing his shirt, covered in ink.  It was a picture of  a nude woman and then I noticed he had quite a few of them intertwined in other tattoos, almost camouflaging them, but not well enough.  I don't remember what I thought of it at the time, I'm sure I didn't mind, but looking back, well, I guess I still don't mind. The point I am trying to make is that when you get a new tattoo, do you just go in to the store and pick something out of their books or do you really take the time do decide what you want.  My mother wouldn't let me get a tattoo until I was 18 and even then I did it without her knowing.  I think her not wanting me to get it, just made me want in more, whichever the case may be, I went to the shop not knowing what I was going to get. I walked in not having any idea what I was looking for.  I knew I didn't want a nude woman on me,  as a tattoo anyways, but, I really had no idea what I wanted. Searching through the books was time consuming and wasn't producing results.  I found the tribal designs the most interesting, but nothing seemed to really catch my attention I told the artist I was having a difficult time finding a tattoo I really liked and the artist said he could draw one up, but it would take a day.  So, I came back the next day and I actually liked the one he came up with,  It was a tribal design that was about 3 inches thick and would stretch from shoulder blade to shoulder blade.   It took 3 hours with about 2 ten minute breaks, which were more for me then the artist.  Least to say, I was happy with the outcome.  Now, looking back, knowing what I know today, I don't know I would have done it the same way. So, if your not sure what you want, be sure to think about it, because it is permanent for most of us (tattoos can be removed with laser removal, if you have the funds). If you are one that loves tattoos and plans on getting more check out Miami ink tattoo designs, which gives you access to over 25,000 of the best tattoos

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