Friday, October 12, 2012

My stay at home income

      To start off, I just want to say a few things about myself and why I chose to start a blog.  Now I've always dreamed of owning my own business as most of us do, so of course the first step for me was to gain a degree in business.  However, managing a family and working full time doesn't leave much time for a degree, so my degree is still in the works.  Now, I know you don't need a degree to start your own business, but when you don't have a lot of your own investment, it makes getting loans a bit more difficult.  It's because of this that I turned to the idea of "blogging."  I am still very new to the concept and trying to learn as I go.
      I recently saw the idea for the stay at home income while reading articles on Yahoo.  One of the news stations was doing a story on it, so I figured it must be legit. I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to trying things online, especially when it costs you money.  However, it had a 30 day guarantee or your money back, so naturally I took some of my savings and bought the program.  Now,  it wasn't a fortune to purchase, but of course they start by telling you it is 49.99.  Once you submit your payment it then gives you more information and says to upgrade to VIP it is another $74.00 ( Not exact amount). So, naturally I have to buy that, because they make it seem like such a good value.
      Once you've done all that, it has a step by step program to help you get started, which includes live representatives to get you through the setup.  I found that purchasing the VIP for me was critical, because otherwise the other package only had so many products that you can refer people to and for me it wouldn't have generated enough, if any income.  With the VIP program it gives you a lot more products your able to sell, and yes you can actually sell products and set your own prices for them.  That is just one of the ways to make money from them and the other way, which is what I doing now, is just posting links for the products, of which you get commission when the products are bought through your links and you can put the links anywhere, just make sure you read the terms of use.  They do offer you a free website they would manage for you, however you have to pay a monthly fee, close to $8 a month.  I chose to do this on a truly free website to avoid extra cost starting up, but eventually I may switch because there are obvious benefits for getting one, but for me, now is not the time.  As I've said before this is all new to me, if any of you has any suggestions or any advice, please feel free to comment or email me.

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